POP UP JAM: Check the events calender
WHAT TO BRING: – Your music, your friends and family. You can also bring drinks and food if you like. It also helps if you have copies of the song sheets to share with others.
WHAT NEXT: – A few days before the jam members will receive an SMS reminding you of where and when. The rest is up to you.
This is just a social gathering, not restricted to members, no organisation done by the club, no charges. Of course normal public area rules apply. Any questions can be sent to committee@coastacoustics.au
A little bit about Pop Up Jams.
These are impromptu meetings in various places around the Gold Coast and further afield in the country around the area. All that these jams entail is an address and time given, no organisation needed, no notice, just meet up and play. We could have 20 people, we could have just 2! The venues will all be public parks, or community halls so you can bring a picnic, BBQ, whatever you like. And it’s a great opportunity to include the family and friends.
WHAT TO BRING: – A chair or rug, picnic basket, BBQ food, music instruments, whatever you need for a relaxing afternoon or evening.
WHAT NEXT: – Keep an eye on the website for a date and venue. A few days before the jam you will receive an SMS reminding you of where and when. The rest is up to you.
So if you think this one is too far away, why not call your own In your area. Just contact the committee and we’ll get back to you.